Members’ Publication

1302 publications found

Multi-scale assessment of interactions between surface water and groundwater fluxes in hard rock, water limited environment (PhD thesis)

Journal: PhD Thesis

Volume: PhD Thesis

Year: 2023

Author: S M Tanvir Hassan

Publisher: University of Twente, Faculty ITC, PO Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands

Municipal Solid Waste Management of Different Socio-Economic Group towards Sustainable Development Goals

Journal: Waste Management and Treatment Advances and Innovations

Volume: Waste Management and Treatment Advances and Innovations

Year: 2023

Author: Pankaj Kanti Jodder, Rabeya Sultana Leya, Md. Sohel Rana, Bristi Sarkar

Publisher: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group

Longitudinal disparities in social determinants of health and COVID-19 incidence and mortality in the United States from the three largest waves of the pandemic



Year: 2023



Assessing the internal out-migration on basis of influence area: a case study of Kurigram, Rangpur and Gaibandha districts, Bangladesh

Journal: GeoJournal

Volume: GeoJournal

Year: 2023

Author: Bishal Guha, Md. Alif-Al-Maruf, Anutosh Das & Dulal Sarker

Publisher: Springer Nature

Identifying the causes of waterlogging on people’s perception towards a resilient community: a case study on Pabna Municipality, Bangladesh

Journal: Ecofeminism and Climate Chang

Volume: Ecofeminism and Climate Chang

Year: 2023

Author: Mazed Parvez

Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited

Solving traffic congestion consequences regarding e-taxi parking by identifying a suitable location for the e-taxi station: geo-spatial and AHP approaches

Journal: Smart and Resilient Transportation

Volume: Smart and Resilient Transportation

Year: 2023

Author: Mazed Parvez

Publisher: Emerald Publication

Evaluation of accessibility and equity to hospitals by public transport: evidence from six largest cities of Ohio

Journal: BMC Health Services Research

Volume: BMC Health Services Research

Year: 2023

Author: Md Saiful Alam, Nusrat Jahan Tabassum, Ahmad Ilderim Tokey

Publisher: Springer Nature

Environmental and economic benefits of CNG conversion on three-wheelers in a developing city, Khulna, Bangladesh

Journal: Transportation Engineering

Volume: Transportation Engineering

Year: 2023

Author: Syed Riad Morshed


Mapping Ecotourism Potential in Bangladesh: The Integration of an Analytical Hierarchy Algorithm and Geospatial Data



Year: 2023



Mapping Ecotourism Potential in Bangladesh: The Integration of an Analytical Hierarchy Algorithm and Geospatial Data



Year: 2023



Mapping Ecotourism Potential in Bangladesh: The Integration of an Analytical Hierarchy Algorithm and Geospatial Data



Year: 2023



Climate Urbanism as a New Urban Development Paradigm: Evaluating a City’s Progression towards Climate Urbanism in the Global South

Journal: Climate

Volume: Climate

Year: 2023

Author: Md. Abdur Rahman; Md. Zakir Hossain; Khan Rubayet Rahaman

Publisher: MDPI