BIP Constitution


Art. 1 Name:

The name of the Institute is "BANGLADESH INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS" hereinafter called the Institute.

Art. 2 Location:

Office, called the headquarters of the Institute shall be located at its own building-Planners Tower, 7th and 8th floor, 13/A, C. R. Dutta (Sonargaon) Road, 30 RAJUK Bipanan Commercial Area, Bangla Motor, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.

Art. 3 The Status of the Institute:

The persons who are now Corporate Members of the Institute and all such persons as may hereafter become Corporate Members of the Institute shall forever, hereafter as long as they constitute to be such Corporate Members, be one Body Corporate by the name of "Bangladesh Institute of Planners" and by the same name shall have perpetual succession and a common seal with powers to break, alter and make anew the said seal from time to time at their will and pleasure and by the same name shall and may sue and be sued in all the courts, and in all manners of actions and suits, shall have power to do all other matters and things incidental to appertaining to a Body corporate including the power to take and hold personal property and power to purchase, take on lease and hold lands, tenements, hereditaments whatsoever for the purpose of the Institute and the power to sell, let on lease, alienate or otherwise dispose of the same or any part thereof.


Art. 4 Purpose and Objectives:

A. Purpose:
The main purpose of the Institute shall be to study and advance the art and science of physical planning in Bangladesh, to further the interest of the profession; and to promote fellowship, and co-operation and coordination among its members. Its particular sphere of activity shall be the comprehensive planning for development of the nation through planning of regions, urban and rural communities and their environs.

B. Objectives:

  • To promote and advance the art and science, practice and business of physical planning in all its branches throughout Bangladesh.
  • To enhance efficiency in the Planning profession and practice;
  • To guide and regulate the professional activities and assist in maintaining high standards in the general conduct of its members;
  • To lay down and uphold professional code of ethics and to make it mandatory for its members to abide by the same in their professional conduct;
  • To help acquire and exchange knowledge of planning among its members;
  • To encourage research in planning;
  • To foster co-ordination among the universities and colleges in Bangladesh and in other countries for mutual benefits in furthering the objectives of the Institute.
  • To disseminate among its members information on all matters relating to physical planning and to encourage, assist and extend knowledge and information connected therewith by promotion of lectures, discussion or correspondence, by holding conferences, workshops and seminars, publication of papers, periodicals and journals, proceedings, reports, books, circulars and maps or other literary undertaking by encouraging research works or by the establishment of libraries and collection of models, designs, drawings and other articles of interest in connection with physical planning;
  • To promote the cause of physical planning and integration between physical planning and socio-economic development planning in Bangladesh;
  • To establish, acquire and manage educational institutions or advise and control such educational establishments where students and apprentices may obtain sound education and training in physical planning on such terms as may be settled by the Institute;
  • To encourage and promote the technical and general knowledge of persons engaged in or about to engage in physical planning or in any employment in connection therewith; and with a view to provide for the holding of classes and to test by examination or otherwise the competence of such persons; and to institute and establish profession-ships, studentship, scholarships rewards and other benefications and to grant certificates of competence.
  • To cooperate with various government, semi government/autonomous agencies and private enterprises connected with the physical planning and advising them in matters concerning the profession and practice of physical planning and promotion of physical planning education
  • To arrange and promote the adoption of equitable forms of planning contracts and other legal documents on such terms as may be expedient;
    To promote just and honorable dealing and discourage malpractice in planning
  • To do any or all such other acts and things which are incidental or conducive to the above objectives or any of them and Educate the government and the people through advocacy about the importance of planning and its impact in the physical development of the country as well as the negative consequences of physical development without adhering to planning principles and practice.

Art. 5 Other Purposes:

With a view to the better attainment of the objectives of the Institute, the Institute shall use its best endeavors to establish local chapters and student chapters in various areas and take other steps for the benefit of members in such manners as the bye-laws for the time being of the Institute shall prescribe.

Art. 6

There should be general meetings of all classes of members from time to time and there shall always be two-tier governing bodies called the Advisory Council and the Board to direct and manage the affairs of the Institute; and only the General Meeting of Corporate Members and the Board shall have the entire control and direction and management of the Institute according to bye-laws framed hereinafter by majority votes, the Chairman of the meeting having a casting vote. The Corporate Members only shall choose the President, the Vice-President-I, the Vice-President-II, the General Secretary, Joint Secretary, the Treasurer and other Board Members who will make and establish bye-laws necessary for conducting the business of the Institute or alter, vary, or revoke and make such new ones as they may think most useful and expedient, to be duly approved by the General Body.
The Board shall have the sole management of income, funds and properties and shall or may do all such acts, deeds as shall appear to them necessary or essential to be done for the purpose of carrying into effect the purpose and objectives of the Institute.
The Advisory Council to be nominated by the Board immediately after the election of a new Board who will provide vision and directive for the well being of the Institute and the planning profession, at large. The Advisory Council shall be responsible for conducting general election within stipulated time to elect the Board for the next term.

Art. 7

The whole property of the Institute is vested solely and absolutely in the members thereof and that they shall have full power and authority to sell, alienate, charge or otherwise dispose of the same or mortgage encumbrance or other disposition of any property, lands, tenements, or hereditaments belonging to the Institute shall be made except with the approbation and concurrence of a General Meeting, under no pretence whatsoever, any such property or effects or the income or revenue derived from voluntary contributions or otherwise be applied in making any dividend gift or bonus between any of the members and the same is hereby expressly prohibited provided that it shall be lawful for the Board to grant honorarium to a member who has rendered or has been rendering special services to the Institute.

Art. 8

No resolution or bye-laws shall on any account or pretence what so ever be made by the Institute in opposition to the general scope, true intent of the laws of Bangladesh and if any such rules and bye-laws are made the same shall be absolutely null and void.

Art. 9

The Institute shall not carry any trade or business or engage in any transactions with a view to pecuniary gain or profit of the members thereof. No members shall have any personal claim on any property of the Institute or shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend or bonus, or otherwise, however, by way of profit to the members of the Institute except in the case of salaried officers of the Institute.


Art. 10 Examinations:

The Board shall cause examinations to be held for candidates for admission as Student Members or Graduates or for selection as Associate Members and shall frame regulations for such examinations defining time and places at which they shall be held, the subjects, which they shall comprise and the fee to be paid or deposited by candidates admitted there to. The Board may from time to time add to or vary or rescind any of the aforesaid regulations. The Board shall have power to recognize such university degrees and collegiate and other certificates as, after scrutiny, it may deem to be of sufficient standards of attainment of scholarship in the subject referred to and may exempt such graduates or holders of such certificates from passing in whole or in part of the said examinations. The Institute may have Honorary Controller of Examinations nominated by the Board from amongst the Corporate Members of the Institute.

Art. 11 Publications:

It shall be the duty of the Board to adopt every means for the advancement of the objects of the Institute and arrange for the publications of such papers and documents as may be calculated to advance professional knowledge and promote the art and science of planning and practice. For this purpose a publication committee should be constituted which may be assisted by Editor or Editors from amongst the members of the Institute. Every paper, map, plan, drawing or model presented to the Institute shall be considered as the property thereof unless there shall have been some previous arrangements to the contrary and the Board may publish these in any way and at any time they may think proper. No author or anybody can publish any such document elsewhere without the approval of the Publication Committee.

Art. 12 Libraries:

The Institute shall maintain libraries of planning books, journals, other materials in electronic form and also of allied subjects at the Headquarter and such local centers and places as the Board may decide and shall keep in touch with similar institutions in other parts of the world.

Art. 13.

The Board may establish committees for promoting the study of particular branches of physical planning and form rules for conducting the same with power to vary the same from time to time as it may deem fit.

Art. 14.

The Board shall have power to grant, from time to time, as it may think fit, use of rooms and premises of the Institute to any society related to planning for purposes analogous to those of the Institute or to any person who may be desirous of having meetings connected with the objects of the Institute.

Art. 15 Prizes and Medals:

The Institute may award prizes and medals for outstanding papers and contributions to the Planning Profession and advancement of Planning. The Institute may also create funds for scholarship for research work.


Art. 16 Management:

Subject to this constitution and in conformity with the bye-laws framed thereunder the management of the affairs of the Institute shall be vested in the two tier administrative setup which shall consist of:
The Advisory Council and the Board
A. The Advisory Council The Advisory Council shall consist of Convener (Immediate past president, if he/she is not available, declines, relinquishes after some time or if he is not available after being nominated for what so ever reasons, then the Board will nominate the convener from the past presidents or senior fellows of the Institute who has been a Board member of any capacity at least for one term).
Council Members: The Board shall nominate the other 6 members (members will be selected as per Article 35 B), the Convener of the Advisory Council shall choose one from the 6 Council Members to act as Member Secretary.

B. The Board The Board shall consist of

  • The President
  • The Vice President-I
  • The Vice President-II
  • The General Secretary
  • The Joint Secretary
  • The Treasurer
  • Board Member (Professional Affairs)
  • Board Member (Academic Affairs)
  • Board Member (Research and Publication)
  • Board Member (National and International Liaison)
  • Board Member (Membership Affairs)
  • Board Member (Ex-officio, Immediate Past General Secretary.

This post shall remain vacant, in the event, the Immediate Past General Secretary is not available or he/she is elected to any post in the Board.)
Board Member (Ex-officio, Presidents of Local Chapters.)

Art. 17 Qualifications of President:

The President shall have following qualifications:
Shall be a Fellow of the Institute;
Shall have paid his/her subscription without default at least for the last three years consecutively (This clause suspended only for BIP Election 2005.) prior to being a candidate in the election-, and, If elected, shall be stationed in Dhaka.

Art. 18 Qualifications of Vice President I and Vice President II:

The Vice- P resident- I and Vice-President-II shall have following qualifications: Shall be Fellows of the Institute.
Shall have paid their subscription without default at least for the last (this clause shall be suspended only for BIP Election 2005) three years consecutively prior to being a candidate in the election.
If elected, shall be stationed in Dhaka.

Art. 19 Qualifications of A. General Secretary/Joint Secretary/Treasurer and B. Board Members: A. The General Secretary/Joint Secretary/ Treasurer shall have following qualifications:

Shall be at least Members of the Institute. Shall have paid their subscription without default at least for the last three years consecutively prior to being a candidate in the election (This clause shall be suspended only for BIP Election 2005).
If elected, shall be stationed in Dhaka. B. Qualification of Board Members (Professional Affairs, Research and Publication, Membership Affairs, National and International Liaison, Academic Affairs). The Board Members (Professional Affairs, Research and Publication, Membership Affairs, National and International Liaison and Academic Affairs) shall have following qualifications:
Shall be Fellows/Members. Shall have paid their subscription without default at least for the last three years consecutively (this clause shall be suspended for only BIP Election 2005) prior to be a candidate in the election.

Art. 20 Terms of the Advisory Council and the Board

The Advisory Council shall be nominated to hold office for one term comprising two years (Term commences from the 1st day of July every alternate year).
The Board shall be elected to hold office for one term comprising two years (Term commences from the 1st day of January every alternate year.).

Art. 21 Meetings of

A. the Advisory Council and B. the Board: A. Meetings of the Advisory Council The Advisory Council Meetings shall be held at least four times a year at the headquarters. For formal presentation to the Board for consideration of any observation, suggestion or directive must be adopted formally in the form of resolution in the Advisory Council Meeting. The notice of such meeting shall be conveyed to each member with the agenda not less than 7 days before the day of the meeting. An emergent meeting may be called at 3 days notice. The quorum of a meeting shall be three. An adjourned meeting for want of quorum shall require no quorum. Member Secretary of the Advisory Council shall sign the notice of the meetings and he/she shall also be responsible for the preparation of the minutes of the meetings of the Advisory Council.
B. Meetings of the Board The Board Meetings shall be normally held at headquarters of the Institute. The notice of such meetings shall be conveyed to each Board Member with the agenda not less than 7 days before the day of the meeting. An emergent meeting may be called at 3 days notice. The Board shall meet at least six times a year. The quorum of a meeting shall be one-third members. An adjourned meeting for want of quorum shall require no quorum. Requisition for a Board meeting shall be at least one-third board members.

Art. 22 Standing Committee:

The Board may constitute standing committees from amongst the corporate members of the Institute and delegate any of its powers to such committees as laid down in the bye-laws. A Board Member shall head the standing committee.

Art. 23 Annual General Meeting and the Annual Convention:

The Annual General Meeting and the Annual Convention of the Institute shall be held once every year, unless the Board, under extraordinary circumstances decides otherwise; The Annual General Meeting of the Institute which shall be held concurrently with the Annual Convention shall transact the following business and such other businesses as may be placed by the Board or as the General Meeting may, by unanimous decisions, desire to transact:
Presentation of Annual Reports (Report of Convener, Advisory Council and General Secretary's Report)
Presentation of the Audited Accounts
Presentation of the Annual Budget.
The Annual Convention shall transact the following business and such other businesses as may be determined by the Board.
Address by the President of the Institute and the Chief Guest. Convocation for the award of Diplomas, Certificates and Medals and other distinctions, if any.
Presentation of the Technical Papers and discussion thereof. Holding of workshops, seminars, symposium and arranging group discussions on current planning issues.
Visits to important planning projects/study areas. The Annual Convention and the Annual General Meeting shall be conducted in accordance with the bye-laws.

Art. 24 Extraordinary General Meeting:

The President shall call an Extraordinary General Meeting on a requisition of at least 1/3 corporate member within 20 days of request of such requisition. Such meeting shall transact such agenda only as has been given in the requisition.
The President shall have the right to call an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Institute at his/her own initiative if such a meeting is deemed necessary in the interest of the Institute. All such Extraordinary General Meetings shall be held at the headquarters.

Art. 25 Quorum for General Meeting/Extra-ordinary General Meeting:

The quorum for the Annual General Meeting and Extra-ordinary General Meeting shall be 1/3 corporate members who are residing in the country at the time of the meeting. An Adjourned Annual General Meeting/ Extra-ordinary General Meeting for want of quorum shall require no quorum.

Art. 26 Bye-laws:

The Board shall have power to frame bye-laws in conformity with the provisions of the Constitution.

Art. 27 Interpretation:

In case of any doubt or dispute relating to the interpretation of this Constitution or the bye-laws made thereunder, the decision given by the Board shall be final and shall be binding upon all concerned.

Art. 28 Arbitration:

In case of any controversy regarding rights and liabilities of any member of the Institute under this Constitution, the same shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the bye-laws.

Art. 29 Amendment of the Constitution:

The Constitution of the Institute can be amended only in the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting by 2/3 corporate members. Any corporate member in writing can propose amendment of the Constitution. Members intending to propose any amendment to the constitution should do so by forwarding the proposals duly signed by 1/3 corporate members to the General Secretary so as to reach him 30 days earlier than the scheduled date of the forthcoming Annual General Meeting in accordance with the bye-laws. The amendments may be passed by a 2/3 majority of votes of total corporate members.



Art. 30 Election and re-election of President:

Election The Election of the Board shall be held in the 23rd (November of the second year of the term.) month of the tenure of a Board. The Advisory Council shall appoint the Chief Election Commissioner by 20th (August of the second year of the term) month of the tenure of a Board and the election will be conducted as per election bye-laws attached to this constitution as Appendix-B.
Re-Election of President A President or a Past President may again be elected to the office of the President, provided that he/she shall not hold that office for more than two terms consecutively; and, On his/her ceasing to be President for a second consecutive term, he/she shall not be eligible to hold that office again for the next two terms.

Art. 31 Re-Election of Vice President-I and Vice-President-II:

Vice President-I and Vice-President-11 or past Vice- President- I and Vice-President-II may again be elected to the office of Vice- P resident- I and Vice-President-II respectively provided:
They shall not hold office for more than two terms consecutively; and, On their ceasing to be Vice President-I and Vice-President-II respectively for a second consecutive term they shall not be eligible to hold that office again for a period of next two terms. Art. 32 Re-election of A.

(a) General Secretary and
(b) Joint Secretary B.
Re-election of Treasurer: A. Re-election of:
(a) General Secretary and
(b) Joint Secretary General Secretary A General Secretary or a past General Secretary may again be elected to the office of General Secretary provided that He/she shall not hold that office for more than two terms consecutively; and, On his/her ceasing to be General Secretary for a second consecutive term he/she shall not be eligible to hold that office again for the next two terms.
Joint Secretary

A Joint Secretary or a past Joint Secretary may again be elected to the office of Joint. Secretary provided that
He/she shall not hold that office for more than two terms consecutively; and,
On his/her ceasing to be Joint Secretary for a second consecutive term he/she shall not be eligible to hold that office again for the next two terms. B. Re-election of Treasurer A Treasurer or a past Treasurer may again be elected to the office of Treasurer provided that
He/she shall not hold that office for more than two terms consecutively; and,
On his/her ceasing to be Treasurer for a second consecutive term he/she shall not be eligible to hold that office again for a period of two terms.
Art.33 Procedure for Filling of Casual Vacancies in the Board: In the event of death, resignation or inability to act on the part of any officer of the Board, the Board shall appoint a suitable member of the Board to fill the vacancy. If at any time during the tenure of a Board the number of members of the Board becomes less than eight, vacancies shall be filled up through bye-election.

Art.34 Invalidation of Board Proceedings:

Any act or proceedings of the Board shall not be invalidated merely by reason of any vacancy having occurred in the Board provided always the number of members of the Board is under no circumstances reduced below eight.

Art.35 Powers of A. The Board and B. The Advisory Council:

A. Powers of the Board All the powers of the Institute shall be vested in and be exerciseable by the Board except so far as the same expressly required by the constitution or the bye-laws thereunder to be exercised by the Institute. No Board Member shall hold any paid appointment of the Institute. The Board may decide on any matter not provided for in the Constitution and Regulations of the Institute, subject to such decision being in keeping with the spirit and intent of the Constitution and Regulations. Such decisions have to be ratified at the next Annual General Meeting or in any Extra-ordinary General Meeting called for that purpose. Powers and responsibility of the Board Members shall be as follows: President: The President shall preside at all General Meetings of the Institute, all Board Meetings and functions of the Institute at which he/she is present and in that capacity regulate the proceedings.

In the absence of the President, Vice-President-I and Vice-President-II, the Board Members present shall elect one of their numbers to take the chair for the meeting. The President shall countersign all cheques issued for and on behalf of the Institute. Vice-President-I and Vice-President-II In the case of temporary absence of the President, the Vice-President-I shall perform the duties and function of the President for that period and in his/her absence this responsibility will go to Vice-President-II. General Secretary Except for financial matters, the General Secretary shall be responsible for all records of the Institute, all minutes of the meetings and such other matters as the Board may determine from time to time. He/she shall also conduct the correspondence of the Institute and shall superintend the publication of such papers as the Board may direct. The General Secretary shall maintain an inventory of all assets, documents, files, materials of the Institute and record them in a permanent register. The General Secretary shall countersign all receipts and payments vouchers of the Institute. He/she shall be responsible for supervising the formation and activities of the local chapters of the Institute. He/she shall also be responsible for maintenance of BIP Office and staff administration, represent the Institute in the Planners' Tower Space Owners' Cooperative Society and all other duties for smooth functioning of the Institute. Joint Secretary The Joint Secretary shall assist the General Secretary in all functions designated as the duties of the General Secretary.

In the case of temporary absence of the General Secretary, the Joint Secretary shall perform the duties and functions of the General Secretary for that period. Treasurer The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial records of the Institute, the collection of subscriptions, house rents and other dues, the issue of receipts, the preparation of the accounts of the Institute and the preparation of annual statement of audited accounts to be presented in the Annual General Meeting. He/she shall receive all money due to the Institute and deposit such money received in the name of the Institute in a financial institution approved by the Board. He/she shall have power to retain in his/her hand for the current expenses of the Institute a sum not exceeding Tk. 10,000.00 (Taka ten thousand only) in cash at any time. He/she shall be responsible for making all payments on behalf of the Institute and all such payments exceeding the sum of Tk. 10,000.00 (Taka ten thousand only) shall be made by cheque drawn in the name of payee. All cheques drawn on behalf of the Institute shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President. The Treasurer shall receive all the cash receipts due by the members and others to the Institute and in respect of each receipt issue a numbered printed receipt from the bound receipt book for the time being in use. He/she shall maintain a cashbook for the record of daily receipts and payments and the procedure for maintenance of cashbook shall be according to standard practices.

Board Member (Research and Publication) The Member (Research and Publication) shall be responsible for all research works, library services, planning exhibition, publication of newsletter, journal, seminar proceedings, any other publications of the Institute along with performance of other duties as may be directed by the Board from time to time and shall prepare a report on his/her activities to be included in the annual report of the General Secretary. Board Member (Professional Affairs) The Member (Professional Affairs) shall be responsible for proper maintenance of professional conduct of the members of the Institute, shall look after the professional interest of the members (and in this respect maintain liaison with organizations where planners have interest, if necessary shall constitute professional sub-committees with planners from such organizations), shall settle as per bye-laws any case of professional misconduct and perform other duties as may be directed by the Board from time to time and shall prepare a report on his/her activities to be included in the annual report of the General Secretary. Board Member (Membership Affairs) The Member (Membership Affairs) shall be responsible for the recommendation to the Board for the admission of new members of the Institute and transfer of membership from one class to another class as the Convener of the Membership Standing Committee, other duties as may be directed by the Board from time to time and shall prepare a report on his/her activities to be included in the annual report of the General Secretary.

Board Member (National and International Liaison) The Member (National and International Liaison) shall be responsible for maintaining liaison with fellow professional bodies and other related organizations at home and abroad, media (print, electronic), government, open dialogue on matters of interest of the Institute and Planners and other duties as may be directed by the Board from time to time and shall prepare a report on his/her activities to be included in the annual report of the General Secretary. Board Member (Academic Affairs) The Member (Academic Affairs) shall be responsible for organizing programs for continuing education of Institute members, courses on planning for professionals without a planning degree, and for conducting examinations of the Institute. He/She shall also be responsible for supervising the formation and activities of the student chapter of the Institute and other duties as may be directed by the Board from time to time and shall prepare a report on his/her activities to be included in the annual report of the General Secretary. Board Member (Ex-officio) The Member (Ex-officio) shall help to maintain continuity between Boards of successive terms and other duties as may be directed by the Board from time to time. Each Board Member (Ex-officio, Presidents of Local Chapters) shall be responsible for liaising local chapters' activities with the BIP Board and vice-versa. They shall also prepare reports of the activities of respective local chapter to be included in the annual report of the General Secretary. B. Powers of the Advisory Council The Advisory Council shall perform the supervisory function and provide the Board with advice and guidance from time to time. The advice and guidance as provided by the Advisory Council shall not be mandatory on the Board, but the Board shall have to explain in Annual General Meeting the arguments in favor of its non compliance with the direction and vision provided by the Advisory Council on any issue. The Advisory Council shall arrange the holding of the Board election as per bye-laws. The Advisory Council shall be formed by nomination by the Board elect and duly approved in the Annual General Meeting to be held following the election of a new Board. The members of the Advisory Council shall be chosen from past office bearers of the Board, Fellows, and representatives from various planning related organizations where a sizeable number of planners work (majority should be stationed in Dhaka). The quorum of Advisory Council Meeting shall be 3 (Three). The convener of the Advisory Council shall appoint one of its members to act as the Member Secretary. The Board shall provide all logistic and financial support to the Advisory Council for its functioning.


Art. 36 Types of Membership of the Institute:

BIP Constitution Membership of the Institute shall consist of two classes. BIP Constitution Corporate; and, BIP Constitution Non- corporate.
Only corporate members have the right to vote, to requisition meeting and to be elected to the Board.
Corporate members shall be divided into:

  • Fellow
  • Member
  • Associate Member

Non-corporate members shall be divided in to

  • Honorary Member
  • Student Member
  • Subscriber
  • Affiliated Member

Art. 37 Abbreviated Titles:

Corporate Members shall be entitled to the exclusive use:
After their names Fellows - FBIP Members - MBIP Associate Members - AMBIPBefore their names:
in case of English - Planner
in Case of Bangla - Planner
No person who has ceased to be a member of the Institute is entitled to make use of any designation implying in connection therewith.

Art. 38 Honorary Members:

Honorary Members shall be chosen only from:
A person of acknowledged eminence in planning or in art and science related there to but who are not engaged in the practice of that profession, the conferment of this distinction may, in exceptional cases, be for life time.
Persons of distinction whom the Institute desires to honor for services rendered thereto, or whose association therewith is deemed to be of benefit to the Institute.

The President of Bangladesh and the Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and heads of other countries or any other person who may be elected in the Annual General Meeting on the Recommendation of the Board as Honorary Members during the tenure of their respective offices, provided necessary permission is obtained from appropriate authority beforehand.
Art. 39 Fellows: Every candidate for admission into the Institute as a Fellow or for up-gradation from Member shall produce evidence satisfactory to the Board that he/she satisfies the following conditions: Age: He/she is not be less than forty years of age. Qualifications: He/she has been a continuous corporate member of the Institute (continuous membership means that a member who has regularly paid his/her subscription without default for more than three years consecutively at any time after he/she was first admitted as a corporate member of the Institute) for the last ten years and has fulfilled conditions necessary for membership.

Art. 40 A. Members and B. Associate Members Members Every candidate for election to the class of Members shall satisfy following conditions:

Qualifications: He/she shall have the following qualifications: He/she has completed a course of studies in Urban and Regional/Rural/Physical Planning leading to a Degree 4 years Bachelor Degree/18 months Master Degree/equivalent Degree recognized by the Institute) as exempting from the examinations required for membership.
He/she has completed two-year term as Associate Member.
Associate Member Every candidate for election to the class of Associate Members shall satisfy the following qualifications: He/she has completed a course of studies in Urban and Regional/Rural/Physical Planning leading to a Degree (4 years Bachelor Degree/18 months Master Degree/equivalent degree recognized by the Institute) as exempting him/her from passing examinations required for membership.
Persons without the aforesaid professional degrees shall have to qualify in the examination conducted by BIP for admission as Associate Member.

Art. 41 Student Members:

Every student candidate for attachment to the Institute as student member with the object of becoming engaged in the planning profession as a planner shall not be less that 18 (eighteen) years of age and shall have the following qualifications at the time of application.
He/she shall be attending a regular course of studies leading to a degree in planning or equivalent course organized by the Institute.

Art. 42 A. Affiliated Members and B. Subscribers:

Affiliated Members
The Board may at its discretion attach to the Institute as an Affiliated Member any expatriate fellow professional or member of Planning Professional Institutes of foreign countries. Such members shall have to pay admission fee and annual subscription equal to the fee payable by the corporate members. The Affiliated Members shall enjoy the right and privileges of non-corporate members.
Subscribers The Board may at its discretion attach to the Institute as a Subscriber any Department of the Government, Public Body, Registered Company, Firm or Individual, not eligible to become Fellow, Member, Associate Member or Student Member who may desire to be so attached. Each subscriber shall be entitled to attend or (if the subscriber be other than an individual) to depute representatives to attend the annual convention as observer.

Art. 43 Admission of Members:

Every candidate for enrollment or up-gradation from one class to another including a candidate who is already a member of another class shall apply in the prescribed application form of the Institute. Candidate fulfilling the requirements as prescribed above shall be admitted to the Institute on payment of prescribed fees subject to the Board's approval. On the date of acceptance of proposed amendments of the membership clauses of this constitution the members who are enrolled as BIP members on that date shall automatically become either Fellow or Members and Associate Members as per their qualifications. A roll containing the names of all corporate members of the Institute shall be kept by the General Secretary. A Register of non-corporate members will also be kept. Both the Roll and Register shall be available for inspection by any member wishing to do so.

Art. 44 Cessation of Membership:

Any member who has not paid his subscription consecutively for two years shall cease to be a member of the Institute. He shall have to pay full entrance fee for re-enrollment including all arrear subscriptions, provided that he/she may be exempted from payment of the arrears by the Board.

Art. 45 Resignation:

Any member may resign his/her membership by a written communication to the General Secretary who shall put up the same to the Board. The resignation shall take effect from the date of receiving the application or such other date at the discretion of the Board concerned.

Art. 46

Member of any category convicted by a competent court or tribunal of felony, misdemeanor or other offense with in the per view of the Board renders him unfit to be a member, the Board shall have the right to expel him/her from the Institute provided at least 2/3 of the members of the Board present at a meeting vote in favor of such course of action.

Art. 47 Professional Conduct:

All the corporate members are required to order their conduct so as to uphold the reputation of the Institute and the dignity of the profession of planning and shall observe and bound by the Code of Ethics. Any alleged breach of this code by a corporate member may be brought before the Board, shall be investigated upon with the knowledge of the members. If the Board considers the charge proved, action will be taken by suspension from office, expulsion or admonishing by a letter or by posting his/her name in the Notice Board or publishing his/her name with description of his offense.

Art. 48 Rights and Privileges:

Members of the Institute shall be subject to this constitution and bye-laws made there-under, enjoy all the rights and privileges as may be conferred by the Institute from time to time. The rights and privileges of every member shall be personal to himself/herself, and shall not be transferable by his/her own act or operation of law.


Art. 49 Local Chapter:

Whenever at least 10 corporate members of the Institute residing in a defined area inform the Board of their desire to form a local chapter of the Institute, the Board shall, subject to the provision of the Constitution and bye-laws authorize them to do so after defining the boundary of area to which the local chapter would relate. The Chairman of this local chapter will be nominated by the BIP Board for the first term. The local chapters can have annual general meeting and publications of its own.
Local chapter members in addition to annual membership fees payable to headquarters shall pay local chapter fees as fixed by the chapter concerned;
All local chapters shall admit a new member in the chapter from among BIP members only and Membership fee, grant from Headquarters, receipts from publication and professional services, donation, government grant and receipts from any unforeseen sources shall be the income of the local chapter.

Art. 50 Delimitation of Local Chapters:

The Board may and when considered necessary either of its own initiative or of any local chapter, define the boundary in consultation with the local chapters.
It shall be obligatory for every member of the Institute belonging to a particular local chapter to notify the chapter concerned and also the headquarters that he/she no longer belongs to that chapter for personal reason or for change of address. Art. 51 Student Chapter:
The headquarters and each local chapter may form the student chapter for promotion of the interest and welfare of the planning students. The activities will include other functions which will be important and of interest for the planning students and the profession.
There shall be a three member Board for the functioning of the student chapter. The Board shall comprise of:
Student Chapter Secretary
Student Chapter Member-I
Student Chapter Member-II
All the student chapter Board Members shall be nominated by the concerned local chapter/headquarters of the Institute. The Board Member (Membership Affairs/Chapter Board Member-Membership Affairs) will be the Director of the respective student chapter under whose direct guidance the student chapter Board shall work. Membership fee, grant from local chapter/headquarters, receipts from publication, donation, etc. shall be the income of the student chapter.

Art. 52 Cancellation of Local Chapter

Student Chapter: When by any reason it is determined by the Board that the activities of any local chapter/student chapter are derogatory to the objects of the Institute the Board may suspend or cancel the local chapter/student chapter and or merge it with the adjoining local chapter or local chapters/student chapters.

Art. 53 Business of the Local Chapters and Authority to frame Rules:

The Business of the local chapters shall be conducted in accordance with the constitution and bye-laws of the Institute. The local chapter may frame additional rules, if necessary in accordance with the Constitution and bye-laws of the Institute and with the approval of the Institute.

Art. 54 Composition of Local Chapter Board:

The local chapter Board shall be a five-member committee comprising: Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Chapter Board Member (Membership Affairs) Chapter Board Member (Programs)

Art. 55 Election of Local Chapter Board:

All the Members of the local chapter board shall be elected every two years by the corporate members enrolled in the Local Chapter by secret ballot or by postal ballot (in the first election postal ballot provision shall remain suspended) as laid down in the bye-laws (BIP Election bye-laws excepting the clause of nomination of Chief Election Commissioner by the Advisory Council. In local chapter election Chief Election Commissioner will be nominated by the local chapter board).

Art. 56 Monogram and Seal:

The seal of Institute shall be affixed to such certificates, deeds, or documents as required to be sealed only by the General Secretary, The President or the Vice President and the General Secretary shall sign every instrument in which the seal or monogram of the Institute is so affixed.


Finance & Accounts

Art. 57 Income of the Institute:

Subscription of members, donations, receipts from professional services, government grants, receipt from publications, house rent and receipt from any unforeseen sources shall be the income of the Institute. The annual subscription and entrance fees payable by each class of members (Fellow, Member, Associate Member, Student Member, Subscriber, Affiliated Member) shall be at rates fixed by the Board from time to time and confirmed by members at the Annual General Meeting or amended and confirmed at specific General Meetings. Honorary Members shall be exempted from payment of membership/entrance fees. Date for Payment of Annual Subscription: All annual subscriptions are due on the first day of January in each year for the year then commencing. It shall be the duty of every Fellow, Member, Associate Member, Student Member, Subscriber, Affiliated Member to pay his/her subscription promptly and without waiting for notification. All subscriptions should be paid within the first thirty days of every year.

Art. 58 Bank:

All funds of the Institute must be deposited with a scheduled Bank and all withdrawals from the Institute funds shall be by order of the Board by means of cheques signed by both the Treasurer and countersigned by the President.

Art. 59 Auditors:

Auditors shall be a Firm of Auditors shall be appointed by a resolution at each Annual General Meeting for the ensuing year for auditing the accounts of the Institute. The auditors shall have the access at all times to the accounts of the Institute and they shall verify and sign the annual statement of accounts before it is submitted by the General Secretary to the Annual General Meeting.

Art. 60 Receipts and Expenditure of Cash:

The Treasurer shall receive all the cash receipt due by members and other to the Institute in respect of each receipt issue a numbered receipt from his bound book for the time being in use. Only one receipt book shall be in use at a time. The Treasurer shall maintain a cashbook for the record of his daily receipts and expenses and the procedure for maintenance of cashbook shall be accordingly to standard practices.


The names and description of persons who signed for the registration of "Bangladesh Institute of Planners" in pursuance of Act, XXI of 1860.

  • Signature :  Golam Rahman
    Description:  President
    Address:Department of Urban and Regional Planning, BUST,Dhaka.

  • Signature :S.H.M. Abul Basher
    Description:Vice- President
    Address:Address Senior Architect, B.P.W.D. Ministry of Public Works & Urban Development, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. Dhaka

  • Signature:Abdul Hamid
    Description:General Secretary
    Address:Director, Urban Development Directorate, Ministry of Public Works & Urban Development, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka.

  • Signature :Mir Shahidul Islam
    Address:Assistant Professor,
    Department of Physical Planning, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka.

  • Signature :M. Asaduzzaman
    Address:Officer on Special Duty, Planning Cell, Ministry of Public Works & Urban Development, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka.

  • Signature :Dr. M. Rahmatullah
    Address:Chief, Bangladesh Transport Survey & Section Chief, Planning Commission, Ministry of Planning, Government of the people's Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka.

  • Signature :A.C. Das
    Address:Urban Development Directorate, Ministry of Public Works& Urban Development, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka.


Election bye-laws of Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP) The bi-annual election of BIP Board will be conducted by an Election Commission consisting of Chief Election Commissioner and two Election Commissioners under the supervision of the Advisory Council. The Advisory Council shall appoint the Chief Election Commissioner from among the Fellows of the Institution. The nominated Chief Election Commissioner shall select two Election Commissioners from among the Fellows/Members of the Institute and send the names to the Advisory Council for approval to assist him in conducting the election. The Advisory Council has to approve the selection of the two Election Commissioners. Thus the Election Commission will be constituted. The Election Commission shall publish the date of election giving at least 8 (eight) weeks' notice. The list of all eligible voters shall be finalized at least 7 weeks before the election and posted at the office of the Institute and mailed to the corporate members under certificate of posting at their last known address. The candidates for election can contest the election in panels as well as individually. Any panel contesting in the Board Election shall be proposed by a Fellow and seconded by two Fellows having right to vote.

All the candidates proposed in the panel shall express in writing their awareness of the duties and functions of the post they are contesting and willingness to accept such membership in the Board. Any individual candidate for membership of the Board shall be proposed by a corporate member having right to vote and shall be seconded by a corporate member having right to vote and shall also have to express in writing his/her awareness of the duties and functions of the post he/she is contesting and willingness to accept such membership in the Board. Such candidatures for nominations duly proposed and seconded must reach the Election Commission at least 5 weeks before the election date. The Election Commission will scrutinize the validity of the proposal(s) and prepare a list of the proposed candidates for the posts and post the list at the office of the Institute. Candidates wishing to withdraw their candidature shall be given at least four days time from the date of publishing the list of valid candidates, to withdraw their candidature.

Withdrawal of any individual member from a panel will not invalidate the panel. The final list of valid candidates shall be posted at least 3 weeks before the election date at the office of the BIP. The election will be held by secret ballot at the Headquarters of the BIP. Voters wishing to vote by post shall request the Election Commission in writing at least three weeks before election (Voting by postal ballot may be suspended by the Election Commission for Election 2005 only. Attempts should be taken to introduce e-voting as early as possible). For voting by post the Ballot papers together with a special envelope will be posted by the Election Commission at least 12 days before the election, by registered post. The ballot duly filled in and enclosed and sealed in the envelope supplied by the Commission must reach the Election Commission before the voting starts. Ballot papers reaching after the stipulated time will be considered invalid. The Election Commission will scrutinize and evaluate the votes and announce the result. In case of tie for any post the Election Commission will decide the results by holding lottery in the presence of the contestants or their representatives if available. The Election Commission shall have power to act and decide on any necessary step required to hold the election according to the election bye-laws and the constitution. For holding the first election under the new constitution (new constitution means the constitution after first amendment, the Election Commission will have power to effect any change in the time schedule for various steps. This relaxation is applicable for Election 2005 only.