12 Sep 2017
Election of the 13th Executive Board (2018-2019) of BIP and Notification to Include Name in the Voter List
Dear Planner,
We are happy to inform you that Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP) has initiated the process of election for its 13th Executive Board (2018-2019) and the election schedule will be published very soon.
To include the name in the voter list of the upcoming election, BIP members are requested to pay their subscription latest by 04 October 2017 (Wednesday). Please note that this is the last date for clearing dues. As per the new Election By-Laws, Section 4.1.2, (Enclosed herewith) final voter list will include only the members who have cleared their all subscription fees up to 2017. Therefore, Members are requested to clear their dues to BIP Secretariat in person or by bKash or through DBBL Bank Account.
Account Name: Bangladesh Institute of Planners
Account No.: 164.110.6904
Name of the Bank: Dutch Bangla Bank Limited
Branch: Mirpur Circle 10 Branch, Dhaka
bKash No. of BIP: +880 1862 267624
In addition, this is to inform you that for the first time we are going to produce a Voter List with Photograph at the Voting Spot. Therefore, all the honorable members are requested to send their Digital Photograph latest by the 30 September 2017 to BIP Secretariat through e-mail.
Planner Prof. Dr. Akter Mahmud
General Secretary (12th Executive Board)
Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP)
N.B.: Please send a scan copy of your Bank Receipt to avoid further hassle in payment confirmation and to be in the voter list.