08 Oct 2017
An Idea which was started in an informal discussion now has become an institution. As you know BIP is a key partner of ‘Centre of Excellence for Urban Development (CEUD)’ along with World Bank, MAB, IAB and IEB. We are extremely happy to let you know that our joint efforts of last three years have started to realize in the ground. Our young professionals will also be part of this mission very soon. Along with other activities, CEUD’s initially starts with internship program for young professionals to move forward to achieve its mission and objectives.
Therefore, we are happy to announce the advertisement of “YOUNG PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIP PROGRAM” to recruit 11 (Eleven)Urban Planners for CEUD for a period of 6 months. Interns will work in a group consisting Planner, Architect and Engineer in 11 pre-selected Municipalities under the supervision and mentorship of senior planners of the institute.
We are inviting applicationswith curriculum Vitae from the bright-promising young urban planners who are motivated to work in multi-professional team. You are requested to read carefully the attached document before sending the application. Send your application and CV to the e-mail: recruitment.bip@gmail.com
Stipends will be supported by the World Bank (WB) and the Swiss Agency for Development Corporation (SDC).
Last Date of Application: October 15, 2017
Announcing a short list: October 18, 2017
Interview: October 21 (11 am – 4 pm)
Age Limit: 32 Years